2021-22 - Our Current Project: The Duffy/Greer Property

The Killingworth Land Conservation Trust is excited to announce it has entered into an agreement to purchase 24 acres of land on Route 80, near the middle of town, from a conservation-minded family living out of state. The property will connect existing Land Trust properties to the east and west (the Winkel’s Pond preserve and land off Patrick Drive) and abuts land of the Killingworth Congregational Church.
Wetlands on the land trust property to the east shelter a rookery with nesting great blue herons. The adjacent uplands are comprised of mixed hardwood forest, with scattered white pine. The Land Trust’s Winkel Pond preserve is to the west, and its loop trail around the pond will be incorporated into the new planned trail system.
All told, this new acquisition will create a 75-acre protected open space parcel and allow opportunities for connecting trails to existing town-owned land to the north, and to the Platt Nature Center and Parmelee Farm trail system.
To supplement funds in-hand for land acquisition, the Land Trust’s fundraising goal for this project is $70,000. The land trust will submit a grant to the State DEEP’s Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition program, but funding support from this program is not guaranteed.
The Land Trust has developed a positive working relationship with the owners, the Duffy and Greer families. They are eager to see their land permanently protected and available for hiking and passive recreation, a great asset for the Town of Killingworth.
The Land Trust is a private, non-profit organization. It relies on the generous support of its membership, the residents of Killingworth, and open space supporters everywhere. We, the Board of Directors of the Killingworth Land Conservation Trust, look forward to working with the Duffy/Greer families and all of you to see this great property protected.
Please check in with the land trust at killingworthlandconservationtrust.org, our Facebook page @Killingworthlandtrust, Instagram @Killingworth_land_trust and here in the Krier for an announcement on a spring walk and a summertime fundraising concert.
The Land Trust will hold an open house this spring to introduce town residents to this beautiful property. Your support of this project will be crucial for it, and future land protection efforts, to be successful. A list of sponsorship levels are below but any donation amount is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
To make a donation, please mail a check to KLCT, P.O. Box 825, Killingworth, CT 06419 or via PayPal
Wetlands on the land trust property to the east shelter a rookery with nesting great blue herons. The adjacent uplands are comprised of mixed hardwood forest, with scattered white pine. The Land Trust’s Winkel Pond preserve is to the west, and its loop trail around the pond will be incorporated into the new planned trail system.
All told, this new acquisition will create a 75-acre protected open space parcel and allow opportunities for connecting trails to existing town-owned land to the north, and to the Platt Nature Center and Parmelee Farm trail system.
To supplement funds in-hand for land acquisition, the Land Trust’s fundraising goal for this project is $70,000. The land trust will submit a grant to the State DEEP’s Open Space and Watershed Land Acquisition program, but funding support from this program is not guaranteed.
The Land Trust has developed a positive working relationship with the owners, the Duffy and Greer families. They are eager to see their land permanently protected and available for hiking and passive recreation, a great asset for the Town of Killingworth.
The Land Trust is a private, non-profit organization. It relies on the generous support of its membership, the residents of Killingworth, and open space supporters everywhere. We, the Board of Directors of the Killingworth Land Conservation Trust, look forward to working with the Duffy/Greer families and all of you to see this great property protected.
Please check in with the land trust at killingworthlandconservationtrust.org, our Facebook page @Killingworthlandtrust, Instagram @Killingworth_land_trust and here in the Krier for an announcement on a spring walk and a summertime fundraising concert.
The Land Trust will hold an open house this spring to introduce town residents to this beautiful property. Your support of this project will be crucial for it, and future land protection efforts, to be successful. A list of sponsorship levels are below but any donation amount is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
To make a donation, please mail a check to KLCT, P.O. Box 825, Killingworth, CT 06419 or via PayPal
Older Projects
Over the years, our Board of Directors has tackled many land acquisition projects through fundraising and pursuing open space grants from the State of Connecticut: Here are a few:
2013 - Welter Woods
2007 - River Bend (along Chestnut Hill Rd.)
2001 - Pond Meadow Natural Area
2013 - Welter Woods
2007 - River Bend (along Chestnut Hill Rd.)
2001 - Pond Meadow Natural Area